Friday, 3 April 2020 Lugano



Good morning, lovely people 👋😊 it’s Friday. Quarantine Day number I-have-no-idea-anymore because I decided to stay home way before it was announced the emergency state here. We (me and my husband) understood very fast that the spread will get here in Ticino too and since february 23 or 24th I can count the times I went outside. There are about six weeks and we went out less than ten times (to buy food, to throw the garbage, to the pharmacy, in some forest or away valley to walk a little). Less than 10 times! it’s crazy! These days I had time. I still have time and I’m grateful for this. Some people weren’t that lucky. It’s incredible how fast our habits can change! I can’t wait for this situation to be over and to enjoy again the pleasure of taking a walk under my favourite trees in the world: the wonderful linden trees along the lake in Lugano. And how about that sky???😍 I love it! Stay sane, guys! #staysafe #stayhome ❤️🕊🦄

Swiss Mon Amour